Monday, December 17, 2007

Nous sommes toujours la!

Kristen and our new puppy, Bruster. Well, he is a lot bigger now. This was when we first got him a few months ago.

Well, we are still here! Sorry we haven't updated very much lately. We have been staying pretty busy with ministry here in Cameroon. We are still working with the new church plant and things are going well. We have had the opportunity to reach out to a lot of people in our neighborhood and they are now coming to the church. God also provided the money for us to be able to buy some land to build a structure for the church. We have been meeting in one of our friends and deacon of the church's house. So we were so happy when we were able to purchase the land. God is so faithful! So after the first of the year we will really begin to clear the land and prepare it for a structure.

Thanksgiving was really fun. We spent the day with the Lemons, our missionary friends and mentors. We ate lots of good food and had a good time of fellowship. Joel was able to ride their motorcyce while Cynthia and I worked on preparing the food. He always looks like a little kid in a candy store when he is riding. He really loves it. Well, we were really glad for the time we were able to spend with the Lemons while they were here. We took them to the airport the last day of November for them to return to the States for furlough.

I can't believe that it's almost Christmas and that this year is almost over. God has been so faithful to us this year to provide all of our needs and take care of us while we minister here in Cameroon. We praise Him for all He has done in our lives and for choosing to use ordinary people like us. We are so thankful for Jesus coming to this earth only to be rejected, suffer and die on the cross for our sins. What amazing love!!!

We pray that the Hope and Love of Jesus Christ will fill your heart during this Holiday Season!

1 comment:

Greg & Michele said...

Thanks for the pics. Great to see lives there changed for eternity. Supper menu sounds like strawberry jelly filled grubworms, iguana soup, & viper steak. love you.