Saturday, June 02, 2007

Back to Cameroon!

Well, we are actually sitting at the Birmingham airport right now getting ready to leave to go back to Cameroon. We had a great visit here in the States. We enjoyed just seeing friends and family and shopping and eating out (yeah we gained like 10 lbs each since we got here, but maybe we will work it off with a sardine and monkey diet or something).

We have to say a great big Thank You to Pators Sims, Mrs. Peggy and all the MC's for honoring us during the graduation ceremony and with the presentation of the Legacy Award. It was such a huge encouragement to us and we will never forget it. Thank you guys for everything and for the picture too. I have it in my carry-on right now with us so we will know that you guys are praying for us and behind us. We love you and appreciate all of you!

We also had a great time going out to the Melting Pot with Clark, Kelley, and some of the MAPs team. It was a good time of fondue and fellowship. Thank you guys for including us.

Well, it was great seeing everyone. We will try to keep in touch as much as possible. Gotta get ready for some long travel time. God bless!